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Lily bulbs, Double Lilium Asiatic Red Twin

Lily bulbs, Double Lilium Asiatic Red Twin

Regular price $9.99 USD
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Product Description

  • The lily varieties we sell are bulbs, not flowers.
    Our lily varieties have high color value, strong fragrance, diligent flowering, and are easy to grow.
  • If you choose any three different kinds of lilies, please write down the varieties you want to buy on the order page, otherwise we will randomly select three different kinds of lilies to ship.
  • Double-flowered lilies are hybrid varieties of lilies, which are perennial herbaceous plants of the Lily family. The inflorescence is cymose, the flowers are solitary, and they grow at the top of the stem. The corolla is large and funnel-shaped, with about 20 petals. Due to the slender flower stalks, the flowers often droop or extend horizontally when they bloom.
  • Double-flowered lilies have multiple layers (more than 2) of petals like double-flowered lilies, but the stamens or pistils of the latter are relatively normal and can bear fruit normally.
  • Choose suitable soil: The complex lily flower likes to grow in fertile and well-drained soil. You can add an appropriate amount of humus soil, rotted chicken manure and other organic fertilizers to the soil to increase soil fertility.
  • Suitable temperature: The complex lily flower likes a warm and humid environment, and the growth temperature is generally between 15℃-25℃. It needs to be shaded during high temperatures in summer.
  • Watering appropriately: The complex lily flower likes a moist environment but is not tolerant of waterlogging. Therefore, watering should be appropriate to avoid water accumulation.
  • Fertilization: The complex lily flower needs fertilization during the growth period. You can use compound fertilizer or organic fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements.
  • Pruning: After the complex lily flower blooms, it is necessary to timely remove withered flowers and branches to keep the plant healthy.
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